My Fair Lament

My Fair Lament

With rumours of the remake of the popular film, My Fair Lady, Dominique Valente wonders if Adam Sandler is to blame for all that is wrong with modern society. Is the film relevant to today’s audience? Have we entered a reverse-Pygmalion world? And what would need to change to set it in our ‘post-Sandler’ reality…

Will my child be a British cit

Will my child be a British citizen?

South African clients are often in doubt about how their UK immigration status will affect the status of their children. This week we discuss two scenarios, in order to provide some clarity.

Antiques from Africa # 37

Antiques from Africa # 37

Tea grown in the Far East notably China has been imported into England since the 1600’s. In those early days when the tea chests arrived one can imagine the delight for those, who upon opening them would have discovered a scallop shape sea shell within.

Finding the light among shadow

Finding the light among shadows

Abe Opperman creates whimsical, yet powerful ‘shadow art.’ He spoke to Dominique Valente about why we owe it to ourselves to find the light hiding among the shadows in our lives, and why art is best when we glimpse the soul behind it.

5 common mom-types. Which one

5 common mom-types. Which one is your mom?

There are few greater things in this world than mothers. Apart from the practical reality that without them, there would be nobody else, moms really do form the backbone of so much of who we are and what we do. What type of mom is your mom?